The Original Image of Divine Mercy is one of the world's most beloved painted works of art, revealing an intimate mystical moment between heaven and earth as revealed by Christ to Sister Faustina Kowalska, a Polish nun living in the Vilnius (Lithuania). The year was 1935 and tension was covering the entire region. One world war had just ended but another one was ensuing, political factions were working secretly underground and Vilnius, the once fortified capital of Lithuania, known at time as "The City of Mercy," was annexed by Poland. Nuns and priests were not safe walking the city streets in their habits and clerics and any perceived threat to the coming Communist occupation of Vilnius was systematically covertly "dissolved."
This was the setting into which Sr. Faustina arrives in Vilnius where she will have her apparitions of the Merciful Jesus, and where the Masterpiece of Mercy will be painted. An obscure artist, Eugeniusz Kazimirowski was commissioned by Fr. Michał Sopoćko, Faustina's spiritual director, to paint the image which was to be 7-feet tall and half as wide. Together this trio of characters worked secretly to fulfill the request by Jesus to Faustina to have an image painted that would depict His unfathomable Mercy for the world. Kazimirowski's art studio is where Sr. Faustina describes in the greatest detail her visions of Christ, and where this divinely inspired artistic adventure, fraught with danger and replete with mysticism is where Masterpiece of Mercy begins.
Masterpiece of Mercy is a two-act play written and directed by Daniel diSilva about the execution of the Original Image of Divine Mercy. A moveable feast of musical theater, the play has only three main characters. The set pieces have been designed by theatrical set builders to be transportable and versatile. Local productions of the shows are currently being scheduled through 2021.